
SUMMER 2024 WORKSHOP 01 July – 23 August 2024

It is that time again, kids are off and ready to take on the fun and challenges of summer time. Despite the setbacks imposed by the pandemic climate, we have recovered, and are back with an improved summer curriculum that features new craft activities, games and competitions.
The program is tailored for ages 6 to 14, where students get to choose one or a combination of tasks involving the building of craft items, primarily for ages 6-10, and a special class in Hydraulic Robotics more suited for ages 10-14. To register, please click the link provided, or scroll to the form below.
Additional and important information to note:
  • Students must register online to attend. Standard Registration ends July 01, 2024. Late registration ends July 5. 2024.

  • Program starts at 7:00am (Open for drop offs), Classes resume at 8:00am (Assigned tasks), One hour lunch break 12noon – 1:00pm, Classes end at 4:00pm (2 hr Pickup period 4-6).

  • Workshop cost per child, per month, KYD$620. This includes workshop materials, lunches, and shuttle where needed.

  • Workshop venue is The Agricultural Grounds, Fairland, Savanna(CIAS).

  • Lunch will be provided daily as of 03rd July. Other snacks and refreshments may be brought in, supplied by parents.

  • All students attending are expected to have personal tools, these are listed below the registration form. Students without tools may borrow from the workshop. 

  • Students are allowed, and furthermore encouraged to take home individual art pieces.

  • Once online registration is submitted, you will receive invoice to complete registration.

Should there be any questions or concerns, please feel free to use the ‘contact us’ link or email provided above.


Please register using the form below


All workshop materials are provided. However, students must have personal tools as follows: (Glue Gun, Glue Sticks, Note Book or Pad, Pencils, Liquid School Glue, Geometric Set, 12” Ruler, Calculator).

Registration closes at 12noon, June 24 th , 2024.